All articles related to "global health":

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Waging peace, saving lives

[ Spring/Summer 2011 ] A renowned physician explains how defeating militarism could solve global health problems. During his career, Harvard School of Public Health’s Bernard Lown has traveled two roads. The First Road unraveled the secrets of sudden…

Women's height declining in many low-income countries

April 25, 2011 -- Over the last four decades the average height of women has declined in Africa, stalled in several South American countries, and varied considerably in other low- to middle-income countries, according to a new HSPH…

Why Public Health? Zinzi Bailey

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Zinzi Bailey, a doctoral student from Jamaica who grew…

Why Public Health? Nicanor Obaldia Rodriguez

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Nicanor Obaldia Rodriguez, a doctoral student from Panama, says…

Why Public Health? Brittany Seymour

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Brittany Seymour, an MPH candidate and dentist from Colorado,…

Why Public Health? Serufusa Sekidde

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Serufusa Sekidde, an MPH candidate and physician from Uganda,…

HSPH students simulate international aid negotiations

Fourteen HSPH students participated in an innovative extracurricular exercise on March 25, joining with students from other Harvard graduate schools, Boston University, and Tufts University, to simulate the high-level negotiations behind the funding of international aid packages. Representing…