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Health discrimination
Michelle Mello, Professor of Law and Public Health, on whether insurers and employers can discriminate against people on the basis of personal health behaviors. (September 2008, 11:57) Please click the player icon above to play this podcast in…
Electronic health records
[ Fall 2008 ] Electronic health records could make care safer and save money. So why aren't more doctors and hospitals using them? Boston internist "Dr. Sean James" greets patient "Sara Hill" in an examination room, then sits down at…
Health insurance and Uncle Sam
[ Fall 2008 ] A proposal to make health care more affordable Though we Americans bicker about how best to fix our health care system, on this, most agree: The system is fundamentally unfair and fails to deliver good value…
Four in 10 Americans say they have trouble paying for drugs or skip prescriptions or cut pills due to cost
New USA Today/Kaiser/Harvard Poll Finds the Public Sees Real Benefits From Prescription Drugs, But Feels that They Cost Too Much and that Drug Companies Care Too Much About Profits For immediate release: Tuesday, March 4, 2008 A new…
Poll finds Americans split by political party over whether socialized medicine better or worse than current system
Seventy percent of Republicans think socialized medicine would make things worse and 70% of Democrats think it would make things better For immediate release: Thursday, February 14, 2008 During the course of the presidential nomination campaign, some candidates’…
Presidential candidates' platforms reflect sharp differences in perspectives of Democratic and Republican primary voters on health care problems
Analysis Draws on Data from New Kaiser/Harvard Survey of Likely Voters in Early Primary States, as Well as 10 Recent National Polls For immediate release: Wednesday, January 23, 2008 With the next wave of presidential primary elections quickly…
Who are the uninsured? (They could be you)
Who are the Uninsured? (They Could be You) People who lack health insurance come from all social and economic groups. Of the approximately 500,000 uninsured “nonelderly” in Massachusetts (those who, being under age 65, are not yet eligible…
Health care for (almost) everyone: Key elements of the law
Key Elements of the Law “An act to provide access to affordable, quality, accountable health care.” Individual mandate For the first time in the United States, the law requires that anyone over 18 have “minimum creditable coverage” by…
Perspectives on an unprecedented law
Perspectives on an Unprecedented Law: Five HSPH experts comment "We are all very concerned in Massachusetts that an adequate safety net of care remain in the system for those who fall through the cracks." -HSPH Senior Lecturer Nancy Turnbull…
Health care for (almost) everyone
[ Winter 2008 ] Massachusetts' Bold Experiment Heart disease. Cancer. Uninsurance. If not having health insurance were a disease, it would rank as the third-leading cause of death in Americans ages 50 to 64, according to one 2004…