All articles related to "health disparities":

HSPH alum explores role of stress in heart health disparities

Harvard School of Public Health alum Dr. Michelle Albert conducts research on disparities in cardiovascular health across racial and ethnic groups—hypertension, for example, appears at a much younger age in black people than white people—and in particular the…

Researcher looks for links between neighborhoods and health

The environments where people live and work may be linked to health, according to S.V. Subramanian, associate professor of society, human development, and health at the Harvard School of Public Health and a researcher at the Center for Population…

Tobacco companies target poorer neighborhoods with advertising

Prof. Gregory Connolly, director of the Tobacco Control Research Group at HSPH, is quoted in a Boston Globe article about tobacco advertising in Boston. The article notes that storefront tobacco ads are ubiquitous in lower-income neighborhoods, particularly those…