All articles related to "humanitarian aid":

Ebola outbreak: African officials join Harvard experts to strategize

Harvard-affiliated experts in humanitarian disaster response recently met with officials from African countries affected by the current Ebola outbreak to discuss strategies for easing the crisis. Convened by the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative, the August 14, 2014 session, held…

Ebola epidemic in U.S. unlikely

While Ebola continues to spread in West Africa, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) officials call the risk of an outbreak in the United States very low. Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) Professor Michael VanRooyen, director…

Students simulate international aid negotiation

April 29, 2014 — A group of students recently got a crash course on a key skill for any future global health practitioner: negotiation. In a simulation exercise organized by the student-run Harvard Aid for Health, they took…

Teaching survival skills in disaster-prone areas

Harvard School of Public Health Professor Jennifer Leaning joined a team from Chinese University’s center for disaster and medical humanitarian response to deliver rescue and relief bags to Chinese families living in rural areas vulnerable to natural disasters.…

Syrian refugees in Lebanon struggle with social isolation

Syrian refugees in Lebanon are experiencing the same struggles as many other groups of refugees, but their particular circumstances make social isolation a problem as well, writes Susan Bartels, a fellow at the FXB Center for Health and…

Syrian refugee children in Lebanon extremely vulnerable

A new report released by Harvard’s FXB Center for Health and Human Rights on January 13, 2014 documents the dire conditions faced by Syrian refugee children in Lebanon. Released in conjunction with a United Nations-sponsored donor conference on…

Bringing aid to the world's most dangerous places

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] January 1992. The scene in Mogadishu was as close as it comes to hell on earth. As Somalia’s civil war gathered force, “the fighting was a combination of direct slaughter and indiscriminate firing of…