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Women abused as children more likely to have children with autism
For immediate release: Wednesday, March 20, 2013 Boston, MA — Women who experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse as children are more likely to have a child with autism than women who were not abused, according to a…
Pregnant women’s likelihood of cesarean delivery in Massachusetts linked to choice of hospitals
For immediate release: March 19, 2013 Boston, MA – There is wide variation in the rate of cesarean sections performed at different hospitals across the U.S. and one explanation has been that hospitals with higher c-section rates serve…
Innovative study documents changing health needs of African women
March 13, 2013 — Public health resources in Africa have long been devoted to infectious diseases such as AIDS and malaria and, for women, reproductive health services. But while these services are vital, the health needs of a…
Maternal health advocates push for new global goals
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Measuring the effectiveness of public health interventions
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University of Toronto and Harvard School of Public Health Study Finds Growing ‘Weight Extremes’ in the Developing World
For immediate release: January 16, 2013 Boston, MA – Obese and overweight people are gaining weight rapidly in low-and middle-income countries while those who are severely undernourished are not experiencing similar weight gains, according to a University of…
Home visits offer window into mother, infant well-being
December 21, 2012 -- A visit to homes of disadvantaged mothers and at-risk newborns can provide a health care team with unique insights into how a family is faring—more than might be revealed at often rushed visits at…
Health ministry teams gather in South Africa for regional workshop
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Mothers’ mercury levels linked to later ADHD behaviors in kids
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Breaking the cycle of undernourished women giving birth to low-birthweight babies
August 30, 2012 -- Nutritional support in first thousand days of child’s life critical to development Despite gains in economic growth, education, and life expectancy in India in recent years, over half of Indian children have stunted (low height…