All articles related to "occupational health":

Harvard's first lady

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] By the time Alice Hamilton joined Harvard’s faculty in 1919, she was already one of the nation’s pre-eminent researchers in the field of occupational health. Her tenacious methods were legendary—in her study of workers…

Protecting workers’ health

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] Throughout the School’s history, researchers have sought to keep workers safe and workplaces healthy. From pioneering efforts exposing the adverse effects of early-20th-century factory life to current studies on the heart health of firefighters,…

Deadly occupation, forged report

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] In the early 1920s, workers at U.S. Radium Corporation’s luminous watch dial factory were mysteriously falling ill and dying. Eager to halt a mounting scandal, company President Arthur Roeder contacted industrial hygiene expert Cecil…

Keeping workers safe from health hazards on the job

September 16, 2013 -- Harvard School of Public Health’s Education and Research Center (ERC) for Occupational Safety and Health has been awarded a five-year, $1.8 million per year grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National…

Reducing risk of head and neck pain from tablet computer use

January 26, 2012 -- People worldwide have been buying up tablet computers—small, thin devices such as Apple’s iPad--in droves, partly because of their ease of use and portability. However, little is known about the potential for tablet users to…

Depression in nursing home workers linked to work-family stress

December 5, 2011 Financial strain, insufficient food often to blame A study led by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers, published November 17, 2011, in the American Journal of Public Health, shows that symptoms of depression are common among…

HSPH center promotes health, safety in the workplace

November 28, 2011 -- Developing ways for nurses to minimize back strain when lifting patients and procedures to help construction workers avoid injury on the job site are two initiatives being conducted by researchers at the Harvard School of…

Saving lives in the heat of battle

[ Fall 2011 ] Christian Benjamin, MD, MPH ’96 and Michael McCarten, DO, MPH ’99  are delivering evidence-based military medicine in Afghanistan Medics roll a badly wounded U.S. soldier into the military hospital in Kandahar, Afghanistan. He has…