All articles related to "racism":

America is Failing its Black Mothers

For decades, Harvard Chan alumni have shed light on high maternal mortality rates in African American women. Finally, policymakers are beginning to pay attention.

Racism is bad for your health

Blacks, Latinos, Native Americans and other minority groups in the U.S. face disparities in education and income. Many lack access to healthy food and receive lower quality health care than whites. They also grapple with regular doses of…

How racism impacts health

November 3, 2015 — Public health professionals must not be afraid to use the word “racism” when they see health inequities linked to issues like poverty, segregation, and lack of access to care, Mary Travis Bassett, commissioner of…

Racism harmful to health

The offensive fraternity chant recently caught on camera at the University of Oklahoma is a reminder that racism continues to envelop the U.S. “like a fog,” New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow wrote in an op-ed published…

Racism harms health

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] "I remember thinking, as a young assistant professor, ‘Oh my God, you can actually measure racism?’ recalled Ichiro Kawachi. He was referring to the groundbreaking work two decades ago of his colleague, social epidemiologist…