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The complicated work of pinpointing the causes of disease
Three epidemiologists discussed the challenge of uncovering the causes of diseases at the 6th Cutter Symposium at Harvard Chan School.
Proposed FDA ban on menthol cigarettes, flavored cigars, a win for public health
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has proposed new rules that ban the manufacture and sale of menthol cigarettes and all flavored cigars.
Perspective: Tobacco messaging holds lessons for COVID-19 vaccine campaigns
Public health campaigns to reach individuals undecided about COVID-19 vaccination can model their strategies on successful messaging about tobacco, according to Harvard Chan School experts.
Study: Misinformation about e-cigs’ harms gets most engagement on Twitter
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Weighing benefit vs. risk of newly authorized e-cig products
Three Harvard Chan School experts weigh in on the FDA’s decision to authorize a set of three e-cigarette products for sale in the U.S. for the first time.
Heavy smokers with non-small cell lung cancer could benefit from certain immunotherapies
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Links found between smoking history and tumor mutations in some lung cancer patients
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Perspectives: Why a national ban on menthol cigarettes is the right choice
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently announced that it will take steps to ban menthol cigarettes. Three Harvard Chan School experts share their views on the significance of the ban, its potential impact on public health,…
Shock to the System
A recession with a pandemic at its core may help us reckon with the links between the economy, inequality, and health.