All articles related to "vaccines":

Opinion: Roll out vaccines using honor code

Distributing COVID-19 vaccines according to an honor code could minimize bureaucratic red tape and help hasten the rollout, according to experts from Ariadne Labs and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

‘An enormous victory for public health’

Jaap Goudsmit, adjunct professor of epidemiology and infectious diseases and chief scientific officer of the Human Immunomics Initiative, a joint project between Harvard Chan School and the Human Vaccines Project, discusses COVID vaccines.

Commentary: Building trust in COVID-19 vaccines

Researchers, industry leaders, and policymakers should work to build trust in COVID-19 vaccines among communities of color—and, beyond that, should seek to include these communities as equal partners in the research enterprise, according to new commentary.

How Massachusetts will roll out COVID-19 vaccines

Frontline health care workers, residents of nursing homes and long-term-care facilities, emergency workers, and staff and residents of prisons and homeless shelters will be among the first to receive COVID-19 vaccinations in Massachusetts.