Changing the cycle of family abuse in India and South Asia
[ Spring/Summer 2010 ] Child Brides, Child Mothers, Child Victims It’s a tale of two siblings that plays out hundreds of thousands of times every year in rural India. While her older brother completes his education and is…
Dean's message: Research to knowledge to action
[ Spring/Summer 2010 ] When I became Dean of the Harvard School of Public Health, in January 2009, one of my key priorities was to translate knowledge into effective policies and actions that improve the health of populations. To make…
A women and health agenda: It's time
[ Spring/Summer 2010 ] by Julio Frenk, Dean, Harvard School of Public Health In today’s global health agenda, women’s experiences—from birth to death and in all their diversity—deserve to occupy center stage. Why? Because at the most basic level, we are…
Women, welfare & human rights
[ Spring/Summer 2010 ] HSPH student examines government policies and social forces that affect the sexual and reproductive health of women. Should poor women on welfare have additional babies while receiving cash assistance? In the wake of welfare reform in…
Adding common genetic variants to breast cancer risk models offers only small benefit
For immediate release: Wednesday, March 17, 2010 Boston, MA— Scientists report that breast cancer risk assessment models, which predict a woman’s chance of developing breast cancer, do not perform substantially better when they include common inherited genetic variants…
Obesity in mid-life reduces the chance of healthy survival in women
For immediate release: Wednesday, September 30, 2009 Boston, MA -- A new study by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) and Brigham and Women's Hospital (BWH) researchers has found that, among a large study population of women who…
Study finding genetic links to age of first menstrual period and menopause may add to prevention efforts against cancer, osteoporosis, and heart disease
Boston, MA -- Newly identified gene variants associated with the age at which females experience their first menstrual period and the onset of menopause may help shed light on the prevention of breast and endometrial cancer, osteoporosis, and…
Making sense of sexual violence in Central Africa
[ Spring 2009 ] Imani* was just 15 when soldiers from the rebel group Interahamwe seized her on the road. Amid a bewildering array of competing armies, local militias, and rebel factions, sexual brutality has reached unprecedented levels…
Fertility diet: Preventing infertility from ovulatory disorders
March 2009 -- Walter Willett and Jorge Chavarro discuss how changes to a woman's diet and lifestyle may affect her ability to become pregnant.
Women in India abused by husbands at far greater risk for HIV infection
For immediate release: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Boston, MA -- India is home to the third-largest number of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cases in the world and, as in the U.S. and many African nations, the rate of infection among…