Robert Meade
Research Fellows

Robert Meade

Postdoctoral Research Fellow



Robert D. Meade, PhD, MPH completed his doctoral degree in thermal physiology at the Human and Environmental Physiology Research Unit of the University of Ottawa. He also holds a Masters in Public Health from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Rob's research has been aimed at improving scientific understanding of the physiological impacts of extreme heat in vulnerable groups. He also designed and executed the first daylong laboratory based heat wave simulation trials to evaluate the efficacy of personal cooling strategies including cooling centers, foot immersion, and electric fans. His work has been published in leading scientific journals including JAMA and the Lancet Planetary Health. In 2024, Robert Joined the Harvard School of Public Health and the Salata Institute South Asia cluster to apply his unique training in thermal physiology and public health to the development and evaluation of community led heat adaptation strategies in South Asia.
