Secondary Faculty

Susan Redline

Professor in the Department of Epidemiology


Other Positions

Peter C. Farrell Professor of Sleep Medicine

Medicine-Brigham and Women's Hospital

Harvard Medical School


I direct the Program in Sleep Medicine Epidemiology at BWH. Our goals are to conduct rigorous and population-based research to: elucidate the role of genetics, early life developmental factors, and environmental exposures on sleep health; identify how social and environmental factors shape sleep health disparities which in turn drive chronic health disparities; and identify the role of sleep interventions in improving health, including cardiovascular, metabolic, and cognitive disorders.

Within the Program, we support the following Resources:

The BWH Sleep Reading Center (, an international core laboratory that provides leadership in the design and implementation of sleep data collection for numerous clinical trials and cohort studies. It spearheaded efforts at establishing rigorous quality control procedures for multi-site sleep research and for integrating advanced signal processing analytics into large scale-epidemiological datasets to provide quantitative biomarkers of sleep and sleep disorders.

The National Sleep Research Resource (NSRR;, a NHLBI-data and tool repository and community engagement resource that shares large quantities of polysomnography, actigraphy and other data coupled with tools to structure, harmonize, visualize and analyze sleep data.

The Sleep Apnea Patient-Centered Outcomes Network (MyApnea;, a web-based portal to promote sleep apnea patient support and patient engagement in research.

I am the recipient of a NHLBI Outstanding Investigator Award (R35) that supports a research and training program, Phenotypic and Genomic Signatures For Sleep Apnea. This program brings together trainees and experts in epidemiology, genetic and sleep/respiratory physiology to identify biomarkers and molecular mechanisms for sleep apnea risk, models interactions between sleep disorders and genetic risk factors (G*E), and attempts to resolve the heterogeneity in sleep apnea that predicts differences in outcomes and treatment response.

I co-direct the following multi-center clinical trials:
Pediatric Adenotonsillectomy Trial (PATS;
Impact of Low Flow Oxygen on Hospital Admissions and Mortality in Heart Failure and Central Sleep Apnea (LOFT-HF;

I co-lead a cohort study examining the impact of the home environment on sleep disorders among children in low income urban neighborhoods. (Environmental Assessment of Sleep in Youth).

BA, 05/1979, Six Year Medical Honors Program
Boston University, Boston

MD, 05/1979, Medicine
Boston University School of Medicine, Boston

MPH, 05/1986, Respiratory Epidemiology
Harvard School Of Public Health, Boston

William C Dement Scientific Achievement Award2017
American Academy of Sleep Medicine

Scientific Recognition Award2012
American Thoracic Society

Association of American Physicians2008

Sleep In Infancy and Childhood Award2008

Spotlight on Women's Scholarship2007
Case Western Reserve University


Epigenetic and proteomic signatures associate with clonal hematopoiesis expansion rate.

Mack TM, Raddatz MA, Pershad Y, Nachun DC, Taylor KD, Guo X, Shuldiner AR, O'Connell JR, Kenny EE, Loos RJF, Redline S, Cade BE, Psaty BM, Bis JC, Brody JA, Silverman EK, Yun JH, Cho MH, DeMeo DL, Levy D, Johnson AD, Mathias RA, Yanek LR, Heckbert SR, Smith NL, Wiggins KL, Raffield LM, Carson AP, Rotter JI, Rich SS, Manichaikul AW, Gu CC, Chen YI, Lee WJ, Shoemaker MB, Roden DM, Kooperberg C, Auer PL, Desai P, Blackwell TW, Smith AV, Reiner AP, Jaiswal S, Weinstock JS, Bick AG.

Nat Aging. 2024 Jun 04. PMID: 38834882

Machine learning models for predicting blood pressure phenotypes by combining multiple polygenic risk scores.

Hrytsenko Y, Shea B, Elgart M, Kurniansyah N, Lyons G, Morrison AC, Carson AP, Haring B, Mitchell BD, Psaty BM, Jaeger BC, Gu CC, Kooperberg C, Levy D, Lloyd-Jones D, Choi E, Brody JA, Smith JA, Rotter JI, Moll M, Fornage M, Simon N, Castaldi P, Casanova R, Chung RH, Kaplan R, Loos RJF, Kardia SLR, Rich SS, Redline S, Kelly T, O'Connor T, Zhao W, Kim W, Guo X, Ida Chen YD, Sofer T.

Sci Rep. 2024 05 30. 14(1):12436. PMID: 38816422

Validation of human telomere length multi-ancestry meta-analysis association signals identifies POP5 and KBTBD6 as human telomere length regulation genes.

Keener R, Chhetri SB, Connelly CJ, Taub MA, Conomos MP, Weinstock J, Ni B, Strober B, Aslibekyan S, Auer PL, Barwick L, Becker LC, Blangero J, Bleecker ER, Brody JA, Cade BE, Celedon JC, Chang YC, Cupples LA, Custer B, Freedman BI, Gladwin MT, Heckbert SR, Hou L, Irvin MR, Isasi CR, Johnsen JM, Kenny EE, Kooperberg C, Minster RL, Naseri T, Viali S, Nekhai S, Pankratz N, Peyser PA, Taylor KD, Telen MJ, Wu B, Yanek LR, Yang IV, Albert C, Arnett DK, Ashley-Koch AE, Barnes KC, Bis JC, Blackwell TW, Boerwinkle E, Burchard EG, Carson AP, Chen Z, Chen YI, Darbar D, de Andrade M, Ellinor PT, Fornage M, Gelb BD, Gilliland FD, He J, Islam T, Kaab S, Kardia SLR, Kelly S, Konkle BA, Kumar R, Loos RJF, Martinez FD, McGarvey ST, Meyers DA, Mitchell BD, Montgomery CG, North KE, Palmer ND, Peralta JM, Raby BA, Redline S, Rich SS, Roden D, Rotter JI, Ruczinski I, Schwartz D, Sciurba F, Shoemaker MB, Silverman EK, Sinner MF, Smith NL, Smith AV, Tiwari HK, Vasan RS, Weiss ST, Williams LK, Zhang Y, Ziv E, Raffield LM, Reiner AP, Arvanitis M, Greider CW, Mathias RA, Battle A.

Nat Commun. 2024 May 24. 15(1):4417. PMID: 38789417


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