Taking politics out of science

The national discussion about topics such as climate change and air pollution has become polarized, but Gina McCarthy of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health doesn’t think it needs to stay that way.

In a June 26, 2018 Christian Science Monitor video, McCarthy—director of the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment (C-CHANGE) at Harvard Chan School and former administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency under President Obama—said that the environmental movement has traditionally been bipartisan. “I don’t know how it got where it is, but I do know it has to change,” she said. “I’m trying … to take politics out of science.”

She added, “Science is independently done and well done. People should be able to rely on that to make decisions.”

Watch the Christian Science Monitor video: Gina McCarthy: changing the conversation on climate change

Listen to an Undark interview with Gina McCarthy: Bridging the Gap Between Science and the Public

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Can Gina McCarthy help save the planet one straight-talking conversation at a time? (Harvard Chan School news)