Harvard Chan School hosts a diverse array of speakers, invited to share both scholarly research and personal perspectives. They do not speak for the School, and hosting them does not imply endorsement of their views, organizations, or employers.

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Climate and Health Research Network

May 29th @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Climate and Health Research Network in dark bolded text on gray background. Event details in black text. Circle frame picture of lecturer at podium animated speaking.
Our community of scholars works to coordinate, support, and amplify climate and health research.
All members of the Harvard community and affiliated hospitals are welcome to join our monthly meetings for networking, feedback on projects, funding opportunities, and upcoming events.
To join, contact: Flanigan@hsph.harvard.edu
Upcoming meetings:
  • May 29th, 1-2 pm
  • June 26th, 1-2 pm


Date: May 29th
Time: 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Calendars: University-wide Events
Event types: Social and Community-building Events

