Means Restriction Links:
Consensus Statement on Youth Suicide by Firearms (one page) (full document [six pages])
Restricting Access to Lethal Means. California Office of Suicide Prevention eNewsletter. August 2011, Volume 2 Issue 6.
Lethal Means Restriction: Its Value and Its Problems (Report from Iowa)
New Hampshire Firearm Safety Coalition
Recommendations for Suicide Prevention in Nebraska
Youth Suicide Prevention Programs: A Resource Guide (1992) Chapter 8: Means Restriction (from CDC)
Means Restriction Goals from the National Strategy for Suicide Prevention (See Chapter 5)
Means Restriction Overview from the New York State Office of Mental Health
The Oregon Plan for Youth Suicide Prevention’s Means Restriction Guidelines
Questions about Removing Firearms (from Maine)
Washington State’s Lok-It-Up Campaign
Suicide and Means Restriction in New Jersey
Suicide Prevention Resource Center’s page on means restriction
Bridge Barrier Links:
Golden Gate Bridge Physical Suicide Deterrent System Project
Cold Spring Arch Bridge Barrier
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline position on bridge barriers
Guidance on Action to be Taken at Suicide Hot Spots
General Suicide Prevention Links:
American Association of Suicidology
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Other national suicide prevention organizations
Information on suicide prevention in your state
– from the Suicide Prevention Resource Center
– from AFSP’s Suicide Prevention Action Network
National Center for Suicide Prevention Training
World Health Organization suicide prevention resources
Harvard Injury Control Research Center
A database of social science, criminology, law reviews, medical and public health research concerning firearms (2000-2009), with brief summaries, compiled by the Harvard Injury Control Research Center.
CDC’s WISQARS Website: Online access to state and national suicide rates (by method, year, state, age, race, etc.)