All articles related to "child health":

Helping underserved children in Pakistan

Anita Zaidi, SM'99, director of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s enteric and diarrheal diseases program, and a pediatrician who gave up her career in America to employ her expertise in infectious diseases and child survival in her…

Taking aim at ‘plus’ size clothing for children

Stores and manufacturers who sell children’s clothing labeled as “plus,” “husky,” or even “slim” size may be contributing to discrimination and shaming of overweight or even thin or small youngsters, a Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health…

Tracking progress on maternal and child survival goals

A series of papers that look at how far nations have come toward meeting Millennium Development Goals 4 and 5 to reduce child mortality and improve maternal health was published September 12, 2016 in the open access journal…