All articles related to "disasters and conflict":

A call for improved use of data during crises

Better use of large-scale streams of digital data on population vulnerabilities, physical and medical infrastructure, human mobility, and environmental conditions is key to improving disaster preparedness and response, according to experts from Harvard Chan School.

Remembering September 11

Members of the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health community recently reflected on where they were on September 11, 2001 and how their lives—and public health—have changed.

What Hurricane Ida means for our response to climate change

It’s too soon to know the full consequences of Hurricane Ida on the New Orleans region, but there are already lessons we can draw from its impact and our response, says Richard Serino, former deputy administrator of the Federal Emergency…

Beirut blast sends Lebanon into crisis mode

After devastating explosions in Lebanon’s capital, alumna Ghada El-Hajj Fuleihan is discussing potential support and collaborations with Harvard Chan faculty and alumni to help ensure that education, research, funding, and training of future health care professionals continues.

Opinion: It’s time to rethink how we manage disasters

As the world grapples with more complex, unpredictable, and prolonged disasters, policymakers and other stakeholders should stop focusing only on the response phase of a disaster and instead put more resources and effort into preventing and preparing for…

Opinion: Medical community can help advance climate action

In the face of the current administration’s inaction on climate change, medical professionals can take steps to protect people from the health harms caused by increasing levels of carbon pollution, say two experts from Harvard T.H. Chan School…

The importance of studying genocide

Gathering evidence after genocide is crucial to ensure that justice is served, according to experts. A July 24, 2019 commentary in the Union of Catholic Asian News (UCAN) discussed the genocide research of Craig Etcheson, a visiting scientist…