All articles related to "health costs":

The hidden health costs of the Great Recession

What is the total price tag for the Great Recession? Almost five years after the official end of the worst downturn since the Great Depression, there is still no clear answer. What we do know is this: A…

The ACA and jobs

February 2014 – Katherine Baicker, professor of health economics at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, talks about the potential effects of the Affordable Care Act on employment. (Conversations in Public Health, 5:01) Please click the play…

HSPH experts comment on Affordable Care Act

January 9, 2014 -- Throughout the legal and political wranglings over the Affordable Care Act (ACA)—the landmark health care reform law passed in 2010—Harvard School of Public Health researchers have been contributing to the national conversation on the…

People lacking insurance not likely to migrate to obtain Medicaid coverage

States choosing Medicaid expansion shouldn’t expect costly influx of individuals from states not expanding coverage Other studies examine accountable care organizations and communication-and-resolution programs  For immediate release: Monday, January 6, 2014  Boston, MA — Amidst the patchwork nature…

Having Medicaid increases emergency room visits

Unique study on Oregon’s citizens sheds light on critical care in the U.S. For immediate release: January 2, 2014 Boston, MA -- Adults who are covered by Medicaid use emergency rooms 40 percent more than those in similar…

The uninsured and Medicaid

August 2013 -- HSPH Professor Katherine Baicker discusses the Oregon Health Insurance Experiment, a unique study that evaluates the impact of covering the uninsured with Medicaid. (Conversations on Public Health podcast series, 5:25) Please click the play icon…