All articles related to "health disparities":

Shock to the system

Ellen Chappelka, MPH ’22, was taken aback by preventable health problems she saw while working as an EMT in New Orleans. Now she wants to change systemic issues that make people vulnerable in the first place.

Using patient safety as tool to improve health inequalities

Viewing health inequalities through the lens of patient safety could help health care professionals and organizations define concrete steps to improve the care and outcomes of people in marginalized ethnic populations, according to an analysis co-authored by Cian…

Getting to know … Brandon Alexander Anthony, MPH ’22

Armed with degrees in systems engineering, business, and epidemiology, Brandon Alexander Anthony, MPH '22, hopes to launch a company that helps health systems design better services for patients of color, LGBTQ patients, and other marginalized groups.

Fighting the health inequities laid bare by COVID

At the Yerby Diversity Lecture in Public Health, Morehouse College of Medicine’s Valerie Montgomery Rice talked about her school’s efforts to address the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on poorer people and racial minorities—and what more can be…