All articles related to "mental health":

Can volunteering lead to better health?

January 5, 2016 — Eric Kim, a research fellow in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, recently led the first study to look at a possible link between volunteering…

Helping victims of sexual violence overcome PTSD

November 17, 2015 -- Karestan Koenen, professor of psychiatric epidemiology at Harvard Chan School, is an expert on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), a psychological reaction that occurs after a high-stress event and includes symptoms such as depression, anxiety,…

Your phone knows how you feel

[Spring 2015] [August 2015: Watch a TV interview with JP Onnela] Scientists are using cellphone data to track everything from depression and mood disorders to crowd behavior. On a difficult day, the patient’s data stream includes very few pings.…

A link between paid maternity leave and mental health

May 13, 2015 — Paid maternity leave following the birth of a first child appears to have positive benefits on women’s mental health later in life, according to a study published May 2015 in Social Science & Medicine…

Screening tool helps identify sexually exploited children

It can be challenging for health care providers to identify young victims of sexual trafficking due to its hidden nature, poor understanding by law enforcement and other service providers, and psychological factors experienced by victims. But a new…