All articles related to "salt and sodium":

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Nutrition news: Hold the salt, pass the potassium

Too much salt paired with too little potassium may increase people’s risk of mortality, according to a study co-authored by Harvard School of Public Health professor of nutrition and epidemiology Frank Hu. Hu and colleagues found that people…

Sodium intake in U.S.

Adam Bernstein, research fellow in the Department of Nutrition, discusses sodium intake in the U.S. adult population. December 10, 2010 (3:04) Please click the player icon above to play this podcast in your browser. Alternatively, you may download the…

Fast Facts on Sugar and Salt

Sugar and Salt in Hiding As a dietary enemy, sugar is cleverly camouflaged because it is dissolved in liquid. A 20-ounce bottle of sugary soft-drink contains 17 teaspoons of sugar. In August, the American Heart Association recommended that…

Sugar and Salt

What Other Countries Have Done Over the past three decades in Finland, deaths from heart disease and stroke have both fallen 75 to 80 percent. As sodium intake has dropped 42 percent, and the Finnish population has made…

Public health takes aim at sugar and salt

[Fall 2009] The war on obesity and other lifestyle ills has opened a new battlefront: the fight against sugar and salt. It may be a fight for our lives. In the last few years, evidence has mounted that too much of…