All articles related to "social determinants":

Youth angry with the global economic crisis insist on change

The world’s young people are frustrated and angry with the current global economic crisis and demand change, says David Bloom, Clarence James Gamble Professor of Economics and Demography at Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). “Whether it’s the…

Boys who bully may grow up to abuse women

Boys who frequently bully peers when they are young are more likely to grow up to abuse their wives and girlfriends, according to a study led by Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH) researchers. "It helps people think…

Can neighborhoods hurt our health?

[ Spring/Summer 2011 ] A single mother living in public housing may want to feed her children healthy food, but if the nearest affordable grocery store is a crowded bus ride or expensive taxi trip away, that goal…

Health care with dignity

[ Spring/Summer 2011 ] Alum Robert Taube helps homeless people build healthier lives—and self-esteem. Casey Hubbs’s world crumbled after her husband died, and she wound up living under a bridge in Boston. Her existence was grim, and she…

Why Public Health? Peter James

April 2011 -- In our new series "Why Public Health?" we ask Harvard School of Public Health students to talk about why they chose to enter the field. Above, Peter James, a doctoral student of Environmental Health and Epidemiology, hopes to…