All articles related to "suicide":

How a database helps prevent violent deaths

Data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Reporting System (NVDRS) has been crucial in helping policymakers, health care workers, and researchers understand more about what leads to violent deaths, including homicides and suicides,…

Technology to track your mental state

New apps and wearable devices are being developed to track psychological health, and experts say that such “mood forecasting” technology could help doctors and friends know when a person is in mental distress. A February 19, 2019 NBC…

High rates of gun ownership linked with more youth suicides

A nationwide study found that youth suicide is more prevalent in states with higher rates of household gun ownership. After accounting for factors that could contribute to suicide risk, such as depression, alcoholism, and substance abuse, the researchers…

How the world’s health is faring

Global health statistics at the end of 2018 reveal both positive and negative trends. According to a December 28, 2018 NPR article, some of the negatives include: There are more than a million cases of cholera in Yemen.…