All articles related to "suicide":

U.S. life expectancy drops again

The latest statistics about life expectancy in the U.S. paint a bleak picture: 2017 is the third year in a row in which life expectancy declined. On average, Americans can expect to live until age 78.6, down from…

Report: Rising Utah suicide rates propelled by guns

Suicides outnumber homicides in Utah eight to one and the state’s suicide rate has been rising for a decade—with the increase driven by guns, according to a new report from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Half…

Trump administration actions harming U.S. human rights reputation

President Trump’s administration is actively harming U.S. credibility on human rights, according to a November 8, 2018 Brown Political Review article. The article quotes Jacqueline Bhabha, FXB Director of Research and Professor of the Practice of Health and Human Rights at…

Suicide prevention fight moving into gun country

A movement to reduce gun-related suicides by spreading prevention techniques among firearm owners and sellers is slowly making its way through states with high rates of gun ownership, according to a September 17, 2018 NBC News article. The…

Uncommon Ground

Harvard Chan researchers and Utah gun-rights advocates are forging a rare partnership in the quest to prevent firearm suicides.