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HPV vaccine promotion doesn’t increase teen sex, study finds
Promoting the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine doesn’t appear to lead teens to engage in risky sexual behavior, according to a new study led by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. The study compared U.S. states that had…
Vaccine safety scandal in China threatens parents’ confidence
A vaccine safety scandal in China has raised questions about the country’s pharmaceutical industry—and concerns that parents may opt out of vaccinating their children.
What's behind a resurgence of mumps in the United States?
In the early 21st century there was hope that the success of the mumps vaccine in the United States would pave the way for the eventual elimination of the highly contagious disease. But since 2006 there's actually been…
Helping countries understand vaccine delivery costs
June 8, 2018 – A new online catalogue that provides information on the costs of delivering immunizations in 31 countries is aimed at helping decision-makers, particularly in low- and middle-income countries, better understand the long-term costs of running…
Past encounters with the flu shape vaccine response
Immune history influences vaccine effectiveness, interacting with other potential problems arising from the manufacturing process For immediate release: February 20, 2018 New research on why the influenza vaccine was only modestly effective in recent years shows that immune…
Getting to a better flu vaccine
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For world’s poorest, vaccines prevent both deaths and medical impoverishment
For immediate release: February 5, 2018 Boston, MA – Vaccines have enormous impact not just on health, but on keeping people out of poverty, according to a new study led by researchers from Harvard T.H. Chan School of…
Op-ed: A call for products free of toxic chemicals
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New drugs, tools, innovations needed to rid world of malaria
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In Afghanistan, polio vaccination faces threats
Afghanistan is one of three nations in the world (along with Pakistan and Nigeria) where the polio virus continues to be endemic, in part due to inadequate vaccination rates. A new poll of parents and caregivers of young…