All articles related to "violence":

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Gun access heightens risk of suicide, murder

A new study finds that people with access to a gun are three times more likely to commit suicide and almost twice as likely to be murdered. David Hemenway of Harvard School of Public Health—who wrote an editorial…

Poverty, disasters & health against all odds

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] The most powerful influences on population health are not the medical interventions that diagnose and treat disease. Rather, they are the broad social forces—war or peace, poverty or financial security, political oppression or fundamental…

New safety measures needed to reduce gun violence

July 18, 2013 — Among developed countries, rates of violence are roughly similar. But in the United States, the chance of dying from a violent act exceeds that of other countries by a wide margin. It’s because of guns,…

Starting a Conversation

[ Spring 2013 ] To foster open discussion about the consequences of gun ownership, public health researchers want to know much more about the lure of guns. Why do people own guns in the first place? How do they perceive…

Politics & Beyond

[ Spring 2013 ] Gun violence is one of the most politically divisive issues in the United States--and this contentiousness has played out in government funding of research. In 1993, a study supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control…

The Gun Shop Project

[ Spring 2013 ] In April 2009, over a five-day period, two young men and an older woman in New Hampshire each bought handguns from Riley's Sport Shop in Hooksett and within hours committed suicide. The victims did not know…

Guns & Suicide: The Hidden Toll

[ Spring 2013 ] Survivor profiles "He was struggling with nightmares." Emily Frazier's 21-year-old husband, Ryan Frazier, shot himself with a semiautomatic in November 2008, soon after bringing a lawsuit against a priest who had molested him during his teenage…

Guns & Suicide: The Hidden Toll

[ Spring 2013 ] Special Report by Madeline Drexler, Editor, Harvard Public Health There’s a gas station maybe a five-minute drive away from us, and the gas station sells guns. I didn’t realize places like that existed. Ryan just walked…