Genes and Environment

Name Title/Affiliation Research Keywords

Michael Cho copy
Michael Cho

Associate Physician, Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School
Genome-wide Association, Disease Subtyping, Rare Variant Analysis, COPD, Lung

David Christiani
David Christiani

Elkan Blout Professor of Environmental Genetics
Department of Environmental Health
Department of Epidemiology
Molecular Epidemology, Gene-Environment Interactions, Environmental Genetics & Genomics, Biomarkers of Exposure, Susceptibility and Response to Environmental Exposures

Albert Hofman

Chair of the Department of Epidemiology
Stephen B. Kay Family Professor of Public Health and Clinical Epidemiology
Department of Epidemiology
Aging, Cohort Studies, Genetic Epidemiology, Genome-wide Association Studies, Neurological diseases

Gokhan Hotamisligil
Gökhan Hotamisligil

J.S. Simmons Professor of Genetics & Metabolism
Chair, Department of Molecular Metabolism
Department of Molecular Metabolism
Department of Nutrition

Frank Hu

Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology
Department of Nutrition
Department of Epidemiology
Type 2 Diabetes, Genome-wide Association Studies, Gene-environment Interactions, Nutrition, Lifestyle

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David Hunter

Vincent L. Gregory Professor in
Cancer Prevention
Department of Epidemiology
Department of Nutrition
Epigenetics, Cancer, Single Cell Analysis, Statistical Methodology, Genome Topology

Kobzik, Lester MD
Lester Kobzik

Professor of Environmental Health
Department of Environmental Health
Host Defense, Lung, Innate Immunity, Environment, Asthma

Peter Kraft
Peter Kraft

Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Biostatistics
Department of Epidemiology
Statistical Methodology, Genome-wide Association Studies, Gene-environment Interaction, Risk Prediction, Cancer

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Nan Laird

Harvey V. Fineberg Research Professor of Public Health
Department of Biostatistics
Statistical Genetics, EM-Algorithm, Missing and Longitudinal Data, Meta-Analysis, Family-Based Association Studies

Liming Liang
Liming Liang

Associate Professor of Statistical Genetics
Department of Epidemiology
Department of Biostatistics
Statistical Genetics, Genetics of Gene Expression (eQTL mapping), High-throughput Sequencing, Population Stratification, GWAS

Xihong Lin
Xihong Lin

Henry Pickering Walcott Professor of Biostatistics
Chair, Department of Biostatistics
Rare variants and sequencing association studies, Integrative analysis of genetic and genomic data, Genes and environment, Analysis of massive exposure and phenotype data, Precision prevention and medicine

Shuji Ogino
Shuji Ogino

Professor in the Department of Epidemiology
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, and Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Molecular Pathological Epidemiology (MPE), Immunology, Immuno-MPE, Pharmaco-MPE, Causal Inference – MPE Integration

Eric Rimm
Eric Rimm

Professor in the Departments of
Epidemiology and Nutrition, HSPH
Assistant Professor of Medicine,
HMS and Channing Laboratory
Nutrition, Cardiovascular Epidemiology, Obesity, Alcohol, Lifestyle Modification

Jordan Smoller

Psychiatric & Neurodevelopmental Genetics Unit Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Psychiatry
Harvard Medical School
Psychiatric Genetics, Association Studies, Phenotype Definition, GWAS, Pharmacogenetics, Genetic Epidemiology

Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen
Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen

Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiologic Methods
Department of Biostatistics
Department of Epidemiology
Gene-environment Interaction, Genome-wide Association Studies, Confounding by Population Structure

Tyler VanderWeele

Professor of Epidemiology
Department of Epidemiology
Department of Biostatistics
Gene-gene and Gene-environment Interaction, Mendelian Randomization, Causal Methods in Genetics

Cheng-Zhong Zhang

Assistant Professor of Biomedical Informatics, HMS

Cancer biology, Genome evolution, Single-cell analysis, Cell biology, DNA damage and repair