The Value of Applying Health Outcomes Research to Improve Treatment Results

With mounting pressure on health care organizations to provide high-quality care while containing costs, there’s been an increasing reliance on using health outcomes research to identify the most effective interventions and incorporate them into clinical practice. As such, health outcomes research can provide a valuable resource to help clinicians make strategic treatment choices that will … Continue reading “The Value of Applying Health Outcomes Research to Improve Treatment Results”

How Foolproof Air Cleaning Systems at Nuclear Power Plants Protect Public Health

Air cleaning systems are often the final line of defense in the event of radiological release or nuclear disaster. The role of air cleaning systems in nuclear accidents is vital in minimizing public exposure to radioactive material and protecting public safety. When nuclear accidents occurred in the past, air cleaning systems successfully prevented disaster by … Continue reading “How Foolproof Air Cleaning Systems at Nuclear Power Plants Protect Public Health”

The Need for a Strong Communications Strategy in the Face of a Radiological or Nuclear Accident

The threat of a radiological or nuclear disaster strikes fear in the hearts of most Americans; this is why commercial nuclear facilities need comprehensive emergency response plans. Yet even the most effectively executed and successful technical response to a radiological/nuclear crisis will likely be viewed as a failure by the public if this response does … Continue reading “The Need for a Strong Communications Strategy in the Face of a Radiological or Nuclear Accident”

The Next Generation of Project Management: How to Develop Technical and Leadership Expertise

Project management is fundamental to the success of any project. As the process of systematically planning, organizing, and executing a pre-determined set of steps to maximize resource use and achieve objectives, it is crucial to have an efficient leader guide this process. Without a manager overseeing sufficient planning and checking off milestones along the way, … Continue reading “The Next Generation of Project Management: How to Develop Technical and Leadership Expertise”

The ACA Is Still Alive and Still in Danger

Today the ACA is still alive. Donald Trump’s campaign boast that he would sign a bill repealing the Affordable Care Act (ACA/Obamacare) on his inauguration day is long gone and forgotten. House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s gamble that by April 28th the ACA would be effectively decimated using the expedited … Continue reading “The ACA Is Still Alive and Still in Danger”

Exploring the Next Phase of Health Care Reform: How Health Care Leaders Can Position Their Organizations for Success

These are uncertain times in American health care. The Republican Congress and President Trump have vowed to repeal and replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), commonly called Obamacare. They recently unveiled the American Health Care Act, the replacement plan, which has met with substantial resistance from all parts of the political spectrum. … Continue reading “Exploring the Next Phase of Health Care Reform: How Health Care Leaders Can Position Their Organizations for Success”

Leading Health Care Through Unpredictable Times

Health care leaders now face a perplexing mix of puzzles. With a political push to repeal and possibly replace Obamacare – more accurately the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or ACA – the financial, service delivery, and workforce foundations of the health system are in question. It is true that managing the current operations … Continue reading “Leading Health Care Through Unpredictable Times”

Five Ways Effective Laboratory Design Impacts Health, Safety, and Productivity

What comes to mind when you think of a laboratory? Perhaps scientific equipment – or maybe even all you’ve heard that can go wrong, like chemical explosions or fires. Many people believe that labs aren’t well-regulated or monitored or imagine absentminded scientists ignoring safety in the pursuit of a breakthrough. These more dangerous scenarios are … Continue reading “Five Ways Effective Laboratory Design Impacts Health, Safety, and Productivity”

Measuring Up: The Need to Incorporate Key Nursing Indicators in Electronic Health Records

One of the key developments resulting from health care reform is a growing reliance on using “big data” to guide health care systems’ efforts to deliver high-quality, cost-effective care. This trend explains why increasingly many organizations are employing Electronic Health Records (EHR) as a way to track measurable indicators of patient care and outcomes, as … Continue reading “Measuring Up: The Need to Incorporate Key Nursing Indicators in Electronic Health Records”

Improving Patient Experience and Reducing Cost by Measuring Outcomes

In the climate of health care reform, much attention has been paid to the Triple Aim of improving population health, reducing costs, and improving patient experience. The goals of the Triple Aim framework, which was developed by the Institute for Healthcare Improvement, are complex and challenging, but become less so when broken into smaller goals … Continue reading “Improving Patient Experience and Reducing Cost by Measuring Outcomes”