Tag: Fellowship | Foreign Service | International Development | MPH | USAID
The Payne Program is designed to attract outstanding young people to careers in international development as USAID Foreign Service Officers. The Payne Fellowship Program provides benefits valued at up to $90,000 over two years toward a two-year master’s degree, arranges internships in Washington D.C. and at USAID missions overseas, and provides professional development and support … Continue reading “Donald M. Payne International Development Fellowship Program”
Tag: Master of Public Health or Health Policy | Masters in Public Health (MPH) | MPH
This scholarship was established to recognize women pursuing an advanced degree in the fields of Public and Environmental Health. The Scholarship is named in honor of Charlena Seymour whose professional accomplishments and vision, leadership, and compassion for her fellow man make her an outstanding role-model to women. $1000 will be awarded. The winner will be notified by … Continue reading “Dr. Charlena M. Seymour Scholarship”
Drug-Rehabs.org has created a $1,000 scholarship for students pursuing a health-related course of study. Areas of study that will be considered can include psychology, counseling, social work, pre-med, or nursing (and any other health/wellness related fields of study). All submissions must include a personal statement (no more than 1000 words) answering the question: “With drug … Continue reading “Drug-Rehabs.org Health Care Scholarship”
Tag: Childhood | Teaching
A free educational resource for people looking to learn about Early Childhood Education You will find potentially hundreds or thousands of early childhood education degree scholarships. Some of these scholarships will be dedicated to ECE specifically; whereas, others will be dedicated to future teachers in general. Be sure to look at all scholarships for education … Continue reading “Early Childhood Education Scholarship Database”
Tag: economic development | Fellowship | Research Grant
Who Should Apply: Harvard graduate students not in their graduating year who are in planning, public policy, law, business, economics, administration, sociology, education, or related fields who have commitment to and knowledge of the community and economic development fields. Must be entrepreneurial and committed to co-developing, leading, and completing a minimum 10-week analytical project (full-time) … Continue reading “Edward M. Gramlich Fellowship in Community and Economic Development”
Tag: Canadian Citizen | Healthcare management | Masters in Public Health (MPH) | U.S. Citizen or Permanent U.S. Resident
Offered annually, the Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship is designated for students enrolled in their final year of a healthcare management graduate program. You must be a Student Associate in good standing of the American College of Healthcare Executives in order to be eligible to apply. Each scholarship is worth $5,000. In providing this … Continue reading “Foster G. McGaw Graduate Student Scholarship”
Tag: Brazil | Masters program
Bolsas de mestrado em Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health: como se inscrever
Tag: African American | American Indian/Alaska Native | Asian Pacific Islander American | Hispanic American | public health
The goal of GMS is to promote academic excellence and to provide an opportunity for outstanding minority students with significant financial need to reach their highest potential by: Reducing financial barriers for African American, American Indian/Alaska Native, Asian Pacific Islander American and Hispanic American students with high academic and leadership promise who have significant financial … Continue reading “Gates Millennium Scholars”
Tag: African American/Black | American Indian/Native | engineering or computer science program | Hispanic American/Latino | U.S. Citizen or Permanent U.S. Resident
The goal of this program is to increase the number of minority students who pursue doctoral degrees in the natural science disciplines — chemistry, physics, earth sciences, mathematics, biological sciences, and computer science. Applicants to this program are accepted as early as their junior undergraduate year, as well as candidates currently enrolled in a Master’s … Continue reading “GEM Fellowship Programs – The National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and Science”
Tag: Life Science and related Social Science fields | STEM | Women
Awards will be made to women holding a degree from a recognized institution of higher learning, of outstanding ability and promise in research, who are performing research at any institution in the U.S. or abroad. The major component of the research can be either applied or basic. Exact Fellowships amounts will be determined by the … Continue reading “Graduate Women in Science National Fellowship Programs”