Tag: Fellowship | Internship Grants | Summer
Harvard’s Presidential Public Service Fellowship (PPSF) program supports a broad range of summerlong opportunities that serve the common good. Our Fellows are involved in meaningful projects that affect communities across the United States. They are active in programs that focus on education, the arts, and government; work in social services and human rights organizations; and … Continue reading “Harvard University Presidential Public Service Fellowship Program”
Tag: Doctoral program | Internship Grants | Masters in Public Health (MPH) | Masters in Public Policy | Masters program | MPH
This is an internship with the U.S Department of Health and Human Services Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Through this internship, students will provide technical assistance to states and localities while receiving training in a real-world MCH environment, and be able to address specific, defined data or analytic issues to develop or enhance MCH and … Continue reading “HRSA Maternal and Child Health Bureau Graduate Student Internship Program”
Tag: Doctoral program | Internship Grants | Masters in Public Health (MPH) | MPH | Research Grant | Scholarship search engine | Travel Grant
View details here. Programs and resources for prospective and current STEM graduate students — including funding opportunities and professional development programs and resources.
Tag: greater Boston | Internship Grants
The Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston encourages graduate students to spend part of their careers in public service through a paid, 10-week summer internship in key state and local agencies in the Greater Boston area. Fellows, who represent all graduate schools in Greater Boston, participate in a weekly seminar series with leading practitioners and scholars … Continue reading “Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston Public Policy Summer Fellowship”
Tag: Internship Grants | Research Grant | Travel Grant
The Davis Center offers grants to Harvard graduate students for research travel to the former Soviet Union or Eastern Europe. Grants are primarily intended to support research but may be used to support language study in a foreign country for students who are not eligible to receive FLAS summer language fellowships. In some cases, research … Continue reading “The Davis Center Graduate Research Travel Grants”