Tag: Loan Repayment Program
The Community Health Center Primary Care Provider Loan Repayment Program is managed by the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers and is funded by donations from Bank of America, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Neighborhood Health Plan, Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation of Massachusetts and Partners HealthCare. The program offers medical and nursing school loan repayment … Continue reading “CHC Provider Loan Repayment Program”
Tag: Loan Repayment Program | Tuition Reimbursement | VA
As a VA employee, you gain access to an extensive array of educational incentives, scholarships and loan repayment programs that keep you at the top of your game. Explore the following rundown of one of the most comprehensive education support programs in the nation. Explore scholarships, Student Loan Repayment and Tuition Reimbursement, and Professional Development information. … Continue reading “Department of Veterans Affairs”
Tag: DC metro | Loan Repayment Program
The District’s Health Professional Loan Repayment Program (HPLRP) provides loan repayment to eligible health professionals practicing full-time at HPLRP-certified sites in health professional shortage and medically underserved areas (HPSAs and MUAs) in DC. The HPLRP assists certified sites to recruit and retain providers by providing loan repayment up to $151,841.29 over four years for physicians … Continue reading “Health Professional Loan Repayment Program”
Tag: Loan Repayment Program
There is an array of other state and federal programs – as well as a new public-private initiative – which offer loan repayment for medical, nursing and dental students / providers who make commitments to practice in medically underserved areas, including the Disadvantaged Students Loan Repayment Program, Massachusetts State Loan Repayment Program, MassHealth Access Program … Continue reading “Massachusetts Provider Loan Repayment Programs”
Tag: Loan Repayment Program
The NHSC LRP is a loan repayment program administered by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The NHSC LRP recruits fully-trained health professionals to provide culturally competent, interdisciplinary primary health care services to underserved populations located in selected Health Professional Shortage Areas (HPSAs) identified … Continue reading “National Health Service Corps Loan Repayment”
Tag: Loan Repayment Program
Student Loan Hero, an unbiased solution to organize, manage, and repay your student loans, is thrilled to award two (2) $5,000 main prize and four (4) $2,000 runner-up scholarships each semester to help alleviate educational costs.
Tag: Loan Repayment Program | NIH
You do the research. NIH will repay your student loans. That is the idea behind the National Institutes of Health Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs). NIH wants to encourage outstanding health professionals to pursue careers in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research. If you commit at least two years to conducting qualified research funded by a … Continue reading “The NIH Loan Repayment Program”