Course Waivers

Course Waivers in HPM

Course Waivers

  • MPH Public Health Core Curriculum
    • ID 201 waivers
    • MPH 101-105 cannot be waived.  All students are required to take all sections of this course.  There are 2 exceptions to this rule:
      • Those who are in the MPH 45 and 65 credit Health Policy Program are not required to take MPH 105, because other requirements of their degree covers much of the same material.  They do not have to officially waive this section – they just do not have to sign up for it.  All other HPM students must take this section and cannot waive it.
    • Foundations of Public Health – There is a waiver process for this course that happens over the summer.  Please contact the MPH Office with any questions you might have at
    • Please note that academic advisors cannot waive required core courses.Requests to Waive Required MPH Field of Study of SM1 Requirements:  MPH-45 and MPH-65 in Health Management, MPH-45 and MPH-65 in Health Policy and SM1 in HPM
      • The curriculum for each MPH field of study and the SM1 program have five specific competencies, which are outlined in the relevant curriculum guide.  The required courses for fields of study are the means by which students obtain these competencies.
        • Students who believe they have already attained a field of study or SM1 program competency through prior coursework may request a waiver of a required field of study course.
          • Students do not earn credit for any waived course and must complete all other requirements of their degree program, including earning the total minimum number of required credits.
        • Waivers will be considered only if a student has taken a graduate level course or courses that cover the competency of the Harvard Chan required course and earned a grade of B+ or better.
        • The Department  will consider a waiver of HPM 206, Economic Analysis (or the economics requirement for the SM1), for Health Policy students who majored in economics or a related discipline at the undergraduate level and completed at least one intermediate level course in microeconomics.
        • Waivers based on prior work experience will not be considered.
        • Students should contact their Field of Study or Program Director via e mail to request a course waiver.  This email should describe how the prior coursework covered the program competency/competencies in the Harvard Chan course.  The request must also include the syllabus for the prior course  and a copy of a transcript that shows the grade earned in the course. Please cc a member of the HPM Academic Programs Office staff on this initial request for tracking purposes.
        • The Field of Study or Program director will review the request, in consultation with the instructor for the required course that the student is seeking to waive. If the waiver is approved, the student and the HPM Academic Programs Office will be so informed, and the HPM Academic Programs Office staff will then notify the MPH Office of the approved course waiver. 
        • HPM Academic Program Staff:

          Jen Moltoni (, Doug Scaffidi (