Equity, Diversity, Inclusion & Belonging in HPM

HPM Action Plan

HPM works closely with the Harvard T.H. Chan School’s Office for Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (also referred to as ODI, the Office of Diversity and Inclusion) to assess and identify new steps/directions to increase anti-racism and diversity efforts at a departmental level. HPM’s Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (EDIB) committee has developed an Action Plan, which outlines crucial goals for the department and lays out concrete steps and action items that are regularly being updated and implemented.

View Priority Items from Health Policy and Management’s 2023-24 EDIB Action Plan — click here [PDF] 

Harvard Chan School Priority Areas & Goals (Summarized)

  • Priority Area: Learning Culture at Harvard Chan
    Goal: Establish a learning culture and systems that center development of awareness, knowledge, and skills for leaders and community members
  • Priority Area: Diversity of Our People & Their Success
    Goal: Increase representation of underrepresented Black, Indigenous and communities of color and related supports for fostering a thriving experience
  • Priority Area: Leadership & Institutional Systems
    Goal: Build institutional infrastructure that allows for sustainable best practices and progress across core functions of school


Anonymous Reporting Hotline

Harvard University has implemented a specific hotline dedicated to reporting issues, incidents or situations of concern where you don’t feel comfortable speaking with a supervisor or other resource. The University’s Anonymous Reporting Hotline is described as follows: “Ethical and compliant behavior that reflects our community’s values is essential to providing a safe and secure environment for Harvard’s students, faculty, staff, and visitors. To encourage individuals to voice their concerns, Harvard University established the reporting hotline and website which provides the opportunity to report concerns in an anonymous manner. This hotline may be used to report a variety of ethical, integrity, safety, security, and compliance concerns and may be used by anyone, including, but not limited to students, faculty, staff, patients, suppliers, and contractors. The Anonymous Reporting Hotline operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and is run by an independent, third-party provider.” To learn more about the hotline, please visit reportinghotline.harvard.edu.

Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging @ the Harvard Chan School

The Office of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging (also referred to as ODI – Office of Diversity and Inclusion) is located in the Kresge Building within the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Please visit their website [linked here] for full details and information on resources, programming, contact information, upcoming events, and more.

Email: ODI@hsph.harvard.edu

Resource Lists (via ODI)

Harvard Chan School Resources

University-Wide Resources

Community Resources

HPM EDIB Committee

Current Members
Julie Deland

Director of Administration

Arnold Epstein
HPM Department Chair; John H. Foster Professor of Health Policy and Management

Jose Figueroa
Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management

Rachel Levitt (EDIB Liaison)
Senior Administrative and Communications Coordinator

Ellen Meara
Professor of Health Economics and Policy

Doug Scaffidi
Senior Academic Coordinator

Gillian SteelFisher (HPM EDIB Committee Chair)
Senior Research Scientist

Nancy Turnbull
Senior Lecturer in Health Policy; Senior Associate Dean for Educational Programs

Student Members (Current & Prior)
Winnie Cheng — MPH Student
Maryam Dayib — MPH Student
Gabriella Garcia — MPH Student

Maryam Dayib — MPH Student

Aharisi Bonner —  MPH Student
Omar Khan — MPH Student

Recent and Upcoming Events, Trainings & Workshops

    • December 7, 2023 — “Harvard & the Legacy of Slavery Initiative,” presented by Dr. Sara Bleich, Vice Provost for Special Projects at Harvard University, Professor of Public Health Policy, Department of Health Policy and Management
    • October 5, 2023 — Equity In Data (Hybrid Workshop)
For more details or to get involved, please reach out to Rachel Levitt (rlevitt@hsph.harvard.edu).