Working with your Faculty Advisor

The information below is designed to assist students in developing a good working relationship with their faculty advisor.  If you have any additional questions, please contact Jen Moltoni at

HPM Students:  Academic Advisor Overview

Tips for Working with your Academic Advisor

HPM Students – Tips for Working with your Academic Advisor

Navigating the Advisor Network Page of your my.harvard Portal

Here are a few tips for when you navigate your advising network page:

  • Your main advisor (the faculty member who has been assigned specifically to you) will be labeled as your Academic Advisor.  This person’s listing usually appears first. This is the person who you will need to meet with at least two times per year, and is the person who will approve your course enrollment choices.
  • Your Secondary Advisor is typically the Field of Study Leader for the program that you are in.  This person oversees your degree program within the Department of Health Policy and Management.  This person will appear either to the right or underneath the Academic Advisor listing.
    Program Field of Study Leader Office E-Mail
    One-Year Masters (SM1) Nancy Turnbull Kresge 303
    MPH 45/65  Health Management Bonnie Blanchfield Kresge 301
    MPH 45 – Health Policy Ben Sommers Kresge 4th floor
    MPH 65 – Health Policy Nancy Turnbull Kresge 303
  • The others will be listed as Committee members.  These will typically be members of the Academic Programs and Student Services staff for Health Policy and Management, and staff from the MPH Office.  These committee members are included as resources for you as you navigate your degree program.