The Program supports Lown Scholars.
The Lown Scholars Program trains Scholars who live and work in a developing country. Therefore, the only eligibility criterion is to have a full-time position in a developing country. Priority will be given to applicants with a track record of research, teaching, or policy work in cardiovascular disease prevention and with a focused and clear project proposal. Priority will also be given to applicants from countries and centers where current Lown Scholars work and those who are proposed by our working teams. The program has identified three topical areas of priority. These are:
- Universal primary healthcare and health inequities
- Cardiovascular health in urban poor
- Psychosocial stress and cardiovascular disease
Summer Program
Upon admission to the Program, Lown Scholars will be invited to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health in Boston to take one course during the three-week Summer 1 term (July) and to stay for a one-week workshop after the end of the term to develop a research proposal with their mentors. After the workshop, the Scholars can submit their proposals to the Program for funding. The Program has two levels of seed funding: for smaller projects awards will be made for up to $10,000 and for larger projects up to $30,000. Scholars who are awarded seed funding will be invited to return to the Harvard Chan School to present their progress and provide feedback to the new cohort of Scholars.
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