Sandra Schrötter Profile Photo

Sandra Coveney

Current Position:
Development Scientist at Cell Signaling Technology

Postdoctoral Fellow:
2017 – 2022

Aaron Hosios Profile Photo

Aaron Hosios

Current Position:
Senior Research Scientist at Vertex Pharmaceuticals

Postdoctoral Fellow:
2017 – 2022

Meghan Wilkinson Profile Photo

Meghan Wilkinson

Current Position:
Research Associate at FL84

Research Assistant:
2019 – 2022

Meghan Torrence Profile Photo

Meghan Torrence

Current Position:
Postdoctoral Fellow in the Jacks Lab at MIT

Doctoral Student:
2015 – 2021

Vanesa Byles

Vanessa Byles

Current Position:
Associate Scientist at Agios Pharmaceuticals

Doctoral Student:
2013 – 2020

Alexander Valvezan

Alexander Valvezan

Current Position:
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology – Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School

Postdoctoral Fellow:
2013 – 2020

James Hughes Hallett

James Hughes Hallett

Current Position:
Medical Manager at SSI Strategy

Postdoctoral Fellow:
2015 – 2019