All articles related to "COVID-19":

Is it OK to play frisbee during social distancing?

It’s safe to toss a frisbee back and forth during social distancing if you keep 10 to 12 feet away from your frisbee partner—but because COVID-19 could potentially be spread by the frisbee, make sure to wash your…

Webcast: COVID-19 and Resilience in Uncertain Times, March 25 About this forum In this forum, Dr. Christy Denckla and Dr. Karmel Choi join Dr. Karestan Koenen to cover basic concepts about stress and resilience, focusing on concrete skills and tips for coping during these uncertain and…

Telemedicine use surging in coronavirus pandemic

As people avoid hospitals and doctors’ offices to slow the spread of coronavirus, they’re increasingly using telemedicine—virtual connection with medical professionals via mobile devices or computer—according to a March 19, 2020 WGBH story. Several large telehealth companies are…