All articles related to "COVID-19":

Can hospitals across the nation keep up?

New models developed by researchers at the Harvard Global Health Institute (HGHI) and at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health project that, as the number of coronavirus patients increases in the U.S., the pressure on hospitals across…

Webcast: COVID-19 and Mindful Parenting, March 18

[youtube] About this forum In this forum, Dr. Archana Basu and Dr. Karestan Koenen review evidence-based information shown to promote coping and resilience for children and discuss how parents can develop a self-care plan that centers around…

Busting coronavirus social distancing myths

As states and communities around the U.S. take action against the spread of coronavirus by closing schools and canceling public events, Marc Lipsitch and Joseph Allen of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health busted a few common…

Webcast: COVID-19 and Mental Health, March 11 About this forum In this introductory forum, Dr. Karestan Koenen and colleagues discuss the mental health consequences of the COVID-19 outbreak. Dr. Koenen presents her motivation and goals for the web forum series, Dr. Archana Basu provides…

Leading effectively during the coronavirus crisis

Even though the coronavirus is causing disruptions around the world—people hoarding supplies, markets swinging wildly, countries banning travel—there are ways for leaders to help their organizations navigate the turbulence. Eric McNulty, associate director for the Program for Health…

Will coronavirus boost prominence of telemedicine?

Only about 10% of Americans have actually used telemedicine for virtual visits with their doctors. But the spread of COVID-19, the illness caused by the new coronavirus, could change that, according to a March 3, 2020 Time article.…