All articles related to "diabetes":

A new route to control cell metabolism and growth

March 26, 2019—In a new Science paper, Brendan Manning, professor of genetics and complex diseases, and colleagues reveal how a previously understudied enzyme may help fuel the metabolism of cancer cells and contribute to the development of other…

Dementia rates may be falling by 15% per decade

Although the number of people living with dementia is expected to rise as the world’s population ages, dementia incidence rates appear to be falling, driven by healthier lifestyles that are improving cardiovascular health, according to new research. Albert…

Gluten no problem for most, say experts

Although roughly a third of Americans are trying to cut back on gluten, most research suggests that low-gluten or gluten-free diets may not help people, and in fact could be harmful. A January 10, 2019 article in Vice…

Acknowledging gains, challenges in global health

Great strides have been made in global health in recent years, yet there’s plenty more work to be done, according to experts. A February 4, 2019 article in the New York Times, co-authored by Harvard T.H. Chan School…

Instead of beef, try this

Swapping beef for foods like beans, nuts, and peas can benefit people’s health, say experts—and it can help the planet’s health, too. While eating too much red meat has been linked with many chronic diseases, including type 2…

Vegan diet can benefit both health and the environment

There is strong evidence that a plant-based diet is the optimal diet for living a long and healthy life, according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health nutrition expert Walter Willett. In a January 7, 2019 interview…