All articles related to "epidemics":

New tools for preventing the next pandemic

Technologies such as genomic sequencing have proved to be invaluable in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic and will be important in preventing future infectious disease outbreaks, according to the panel of experts who spoke at a Harvard T.H.…

Confronting the challenges of long COVID

At a September 23 virtual event at Harvard Chan School, experts discussed the wide-ranging impacts of long COVID and current research strategies for advancing treatments and diagnosis.

Learning COVID-19’s lessons to prepare for the future

A new Lancet Commission report offers detailed policy recommendations aimed at reducing the dangers of COVID-19, forestalling the next pandemic, and enabling the world to proceed with goals of sustainable development, human rights, and peace.

Contending with the monkeypox outbreak

On July 27, the World Health Organization recommended that in order to reduce the risk of monkeypox, men who have sex with men should limit their number of sexual partners. Following the guidance will help individuals and communities…

Preparing for the next pandemic

Karl Lauterbach, Germany’s federal minister of health, discussed the G7 Pact for Pandemic Readiness at a Harvard Chan School seminar.

A prescription for future pandemics

WHO Director-General Tedros Ghebreyesus, in conversation with Harvard Chan School Dean Michelle Williams, outlined steps to combat the “confusion and incoherence” that has characterized the COVID-19 pandemic response.

Protecting the public from inhalation hazards

Workers and the general public in the U.S. aren’t getting timely access to respiratory protective devices—face coverings, medical masks, and respirators—to protect against hazards ranging from airborne infections such as SARS-CoV-2 to wildfire smoke to mold growing indoors…