All articles related to "epidemics":

Dealing with parents’ mistrust of vaccines

As the Disneyland measles outbreak continues to make headlines and fuel public debate, health professionals seek more effective ways to convince parents who mistrust vaccines to get their children vaccinated, according to Barry R. Bloom, Harvard University Distinguished…

A cross-disciplinary approach to eradicating malaria

December 17, 2014 –There is an arsenal of cost-effective tools available to combat malaria but getting people to adhere to treatment regimens can be challenging, said Jessica Cohen, assistant professor of global health, at a symposium focused on…

Simple preventive measures may help stem Ebola

December 5, 2014 – The rush to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa in the last few months has generated years’ worth of new information about the previously little understood infectious disease, including simple but effective prevention…

Base Ebola quarantine policies on science

Quarantining health care workers returning to the U.S. after caring for Ebola patients in West Africa isn’t a science-based strategy, according to Ashish Jha of Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). Doing so, in fact, could dissuade these…

Investing in health systems may stem Ebola outbreak

A broad humanitarian response that includes investments in health care staff, medical resources, and health systems is more likely to be effective in halting the current Ebola outbreak in West Africa and creating sustainable models for responding to…

Infectious diseases & pandemics

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] Today, noncommunicable diseases account for two-thirds of all deaths globally. But in low-income nations, three largely preventable infectious diseases—lower respiratory infections, diarrheal infections, and HIV/AIDS—are the leading killers, with malaria, tuberculosis, and neonatal infections…

Chasing epidemics in real time

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] As the AIDS epidemic tragically demonstrated, public health has usually been a step behind infections on the run. But today, with sophisticated molecular and communications tools, practitioners can virtually keep up stride for stride…