All articles related to "epidemics":

Making the leap

[Fall 2013 Centennial issue] Veterinarians and public health Mark Schembri, MPH ’11, never met James Steele, MPH ’42. But in his passion for understanding animalborne epidemics, Schembri is carrying on Steele’s powerful legacy. Steele—the lone veterinarian in a…

Predicting where disease will strike

Student Eleanor Murray wants to know: What if we could warn people about impending disease outbreaks, just like we can now predict the weather? January 24, 2013 (5:48) Please click the play icon above to play this podcast…

Using cell phone data to curb the spread of malaria

For immediate release: Thursday, October 11, 2012 Boston, MA — New research that combines cell phone data from 15 million people in Kenya with detailed information on the regional incidence of malaria has revealed, on the largest scale…

La Niña weather patterns linked to flu pandemics

A new study co-authored by HSPH’s Marc Lipsitch links the four most recent influenza pandemics (1918, 1957, 1968, and 2009) to the weather pattern known as La Niña. During these periods, the surface temperature in the equatorial Pacific…

End to 30-year war against AIDS in sight

Boston, MA -- Thirty years, 30 million deaths and 60 million infections after HIV appeared, medical researchers now have the tools to halt the deadly epidemic. "We have the weapons to win the war against AIDS," says [[Richard…

Dean's message: A broader view of global security

[ Fall 2011 ] The year 2001 saw not only the horrors of 9/11 and the anthrax attacks, but also the establishment of the UN Commission on Human Security. In its report to the General Assembly, the commission…

AIDS at 30: Hard lessons and hope

[ Spring/Summer 2011 ] Thirty years after the first official reports about HIV/AIDS, we look back on the human devastation and forward to a changed social landscape. The infection has killed more people so far than has any…