All articles related to "infectious diseases":

Waning immunity allowed Massachusetts mumps outbreaks

In 2016 and 2017, the number of mumps cases in Massachusetts was 250 and 170, respectively, a large increase from the average of 10 cases annually in the state. Most patients in these outbreaks had been vaccinated, and…

Climate in the clinic

Climate change—and how it affects health—should be front and center for doctors, health care workers, and hospitals, said speakers at a symposium.

Instagram remains a hotbed of vaccine misinformation

Leaders of the social media platform Instagram said months ago that they would take steps to curb the spread of misinformation about vaccines, but anti-vaccine content remains prevalent on the platform, according to news reports. A February 2,…

The uses of outrage

Caroline Buckee, associate professor of epidemiology, builds systems to track and forecast the spread of lethal infections.

Keeping perspective on the coronavirus outbreak

News about the coronavirus that recently spread from Wuhan, China, has increasingly made headlines and filled news segments, yet epidemiologists and infectious disease experts are cautioning the public against panicking. “We don’t have evidence yet to suggest this…

The iron lung—a ‘side project’ that saved lives

In the early 1950s, before the polio vaccine was introduced, the iron lung enabled hundreds of people to survive the debilitating disease. The massive metal machine encased patients, using air pressure to do the work of their paralyzed…