Virtual Program

We are excited about your interest in the Public Health Leadership Lab’s Virtual Program. Similarly to our Residential Program, this synchronous online program also explores self-awareness through listening, reflection, leadership skills, and teaming. We cover topics such as purpose and values, difficult conversations, power and privilege, and working in teams. Through these topics and experiential learning, we focus on translating theory into action. We are also looking for students committed to learning the theory and putting that theory into practice.

The Public Health Leadership Lab’s Virtual Program offers leadership development during Fall semester for HSPH students who are currently enrolled and pursuing a degree online, in a summer-only program, or community partners who have participated in our Leaders in Health Program and Community Engaged Learning projects. Students who are attending HSPH in-person should consider the Residential Program.

List of degree programs/communities that qualify for the Virtual Program:

  • Summer-Only Program in Clinical Effectiveness
  • Community partners from Leaders in Health Program & Community Engaged Learning Projects

Virtual Program TimelineStudents in the Virtual Program dedicate approximately 12 weeks during the Fall Semester to complete program requirements which consists of 8 Thursday evening sessions and assignments. We expect students to prioritize and attend (via Zoom) Thursday evening sessions in their entirety and submit all required assignments to complete the program. Students will be awarded an official “Letter of Participation” upon completion.

The time commitment and workload are similar to a 1.25 credit course. Prior to applying, please make sure you can attend all Thursday evening sessions listed in the Virtual Program Overview below. To be considered for the Virtual Program, students must complete an online application during Fall 1 and pay a $150 assessment and materials fee. We do not admit new students after the Fall 1 application deadline.

Virtual Program Overview:
Students are working towards receiving an official “Letter of Participation” in the Public Health Leadership Lab. They will complete all program requirements virtually during Fall semester

Self-Assessment Sessions

Students deepen their self-awareness by looking at their past, present, and future through structured exercises and reflection. In the Self-Assessment Sessions, students utilize assessment tools to identify areas of strength and growth in their understanding of themselves as leaders and learners. These small group sessions provide space for deeper conversations and discussions.

These sessions are highly experiential and will require students to engage in the content and with their peers. Pre-work and readings will be assigned before each session, and attendance is mandatory. Please see below for this year’s schedule and meeting times.

Self-Assessment Session 1 (Zoom)
Thursday Sept. 28, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Self-Assessment Session 2 (Zoom)
Thursday Oct. 5, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Self-Assessment Session 3 (Zoom)
Thursday Nov. 30, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Self-Assessment Session 4 (Zoom)
Thursday Dec. 7, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET


Workshops include in-depth teaching on leadership theory. Each session consists of an introduction to a theory or concept.  Our facilitators will then guide students through experiential learning activities with reflections to help students anchor their learning. Topics vary from year to year, but we have covered Visions and Values, Difficult Conversations, Conflict Management, Listening, Power and Privilege, Teaming, etc.

Workshop 1 (Zoom)
Thursday Oct. 12, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Workshop 2 (Zoom)
Thursday Oct. 26, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Workshop 3 (Zoom)
Thursday Nov. 9, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Workshop 4 (Zoom)
Thursday Nov. 16, 2023
5:30PM – 7:20PM ET

Assessments & Assignments

The use of reflective learning which typically involves thoughtful self-examinations to gain deeper insights and improve future outcomes are vital to the development of a leader. To further enrich students’ understanding of leadership concepts and topics we use assessments and assignments to facilitate reflective learning.

Assessment and Assignment instructions/deadlines will be posted on Canvas. Students must turn in deliverables by the deadline:

  • Leadership Circle Profile Assessment
  • Leadership Circle Profile 1:1 Debrief
    • Students will sign up for a 60 min one-on-one meeting with an instructor to debrief their report.
  • Reflection Assignments
  • Leadership Goals