Why we can be optimistic about climate change

August 2, 2023 – Even though we’re inundated with news about scary climate disasters—from wildfires to extreme heat to flooding—we can stay optimistic about the climate’s future “because we know how to prevent things from getting worse,” according to Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Marcy Franck.

Franck, senior communications strategist at the Center for Climate, Health, and the Global Environment at Harvard Chan School and editor of The Climate Optimist newsletter, made the case for climate optimism in a July 26 interview on CNN.

“We already have the solutions and technologies we need to be successful,” she said. “One of the things that I find the most calming—and that a lot of people are surprised to know—is that actions we’ve already taken have already averted some of the worst-case scenarios we thought were possible even just a few years ago. And within the last couple of years alone, we’ve seen massive progress rolling out climate solutions around the world. We are transitioning entire economies off of fossil fuels and changing the way we produce energy, transport people and things, grow food, and build buildings.”

Watch Marcy Franck’s CNN interview: Is it possible to be optimistic about climate change?

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Highlighting the good news about climate (Harvard Chan School news)