Clinical Effectiveness


The Clinical Effectiveness (CLE) field of study is focused on identifying the most appropriate, ethical, and cost-effective means of providing health care through prevention, early detection, and treatment. 

Along with the broad perspective on general aspects of public health that the program offers, this training provides a basis for identifying the health policy implications and public health benefits of clinical investigations.   

Degree programs

Student interests

Major areas of professional interest within the Clinical Effectiveness (CLE) field of study include clinical epidemiology and bio­statistics, cost-effectiveness analysis, medical decision analysis, health services research, quality improvement in health care, and measurement of health-related quality of life. Students who choose CLE are passionate about identifying the health policy implications and public health benefits of clinical investigations. 

Career outcomes 

Graduates of the Master of Public Health (MPH) 45-credit program in Clinical Effectiveness (CLE) field of study are prepared to fulfill clinical research responsibilities and leader­ship roles in evaluating and improving all aspects of health care delivery. Most graduates hold positions in academic medicine.