ASHG 2019 Talks and Posters

2019 American Society of Human Genetics Annual Meeting

October 15-19, 2019, in Houston, Texas

ASHG Talks

Huwenbo Shi. “Population-specific causal disease effect sizes at loci impacted by negative selection.” Platform Talk. Thursday, October 17th, 11:00am, George R. Brown Convention Center, Room 360D, Level 3, Session 054.

Farhad Hormozdiari/Omer Weissbrod. “Functionally-informed fine-mapping improves polygenic localization of complex trait heritability.” Platform Talk. Thursday, October 17th, 4:15pm, George R. Brown Convention Center, Room 371A, Level 3, Session 066.

Luke O’Connor. “Defining and characterizing pleiotropy across 57 common diseases and complex traits.” Poster Talks I. Tuesday, October 15th, 7:25pm, George R. Brown Convention Center, Room 360D, Level 3.

ASHG Posters

Kushal Dey. “Evaluating the informativeness of variant-level deep learning annotations for human disease.” Poster #1683 on Wednesday, October 16th, 2:00-3:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center.

Martin Zhang with former mentor James Zou. “AdaFDR: a Fast, Powerful and Covariate-Adaptive Approach to Multiple Hypothesis Testing.” Poster #1713 on Wednesday, October 16th, 2:00-3:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center.

Steven Gazal. “Optimal strategies for linking disease-associated SNPs to genes.” Poster #3252 on Wednesday, October 16th, 3:00-4:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center.

Margaux Hujoel. “Combining case-control status and family history of disease increases association power.” Poster #3006 on Wednesday, October 16th, 3:00-4:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center. *This presentation was selected as a Reviewer’s Choice.

Armin Schoech. “Estimating the autocorrelation of causal minor allele effect sizes as a function of genomic distance.” Poster #3054 on Wednesday, October 16th, 3:00-4:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center. *This presentation was selected as a Reviewer’s Choice. 

Luke O’Connor. “Defining and characterizing pleiotropy across 57 diseases and complex traits.” Poster #3019 on Thursday, October 17th, 2:00-3:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center. *This presentation was selected as a Reviewer’s Choice.

Wouter Peyrot. “Case-case GWAS of two different disorders using case-control summary statistics.” Poster #3052 on Thursday, October 17th, 3:00-4:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center. This work will also be presented as a platform talk at WCPG 2019.

Sam Kim. “Improving the informativeness of Mendelian disease pathogenicity scores for common diseases and complex traits.” Poster #1655 on Friday, October 18th, 1:00-2:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center. *This presentation was selected as a Reviewer’s Choice. 

Bryce van de Geijn. “Jointly modeling allele-specific and total expression to identify cis-acting expression outliers in humans.” Poster #3353 on Friday, October 18th, 1:00-2:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center.

Katie Siewert with former mentor Ben Voight. “Standardized statistics to detect balancing selection utilizing substitution data.” Poster #2384 on Friday, October 18th, 2:00-3:00pm, George R. Brown Convention Center.

To see talks and posters from previous years, click here.