Get Involved

If you are a student

As a collaborative research lab that places substantial value on mentorship, we encourage students, researchers, and clinical residents to engage us for opportunities to work on lab activities. Please review our student opportunities below to explore our academic offerings:

Please fill out this form to register your interest, and we will follow up with you if there are available opportunities.

Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram, and be updated on our events and happenings.

If you are a clinician

We are an interdisciplinary clinician-led lab committed to improving clinical care. We work with clinicians worldwide to translate clinical care gaps into policies, practices, and innovations that lead to higher-value health care at the systems level. If you are interested in engaging our Lab, we would love to hear your ideas and jointly explore collaboration opportunities.

If you are an institution

For institutions that are interested as partners in our Health Systems Innovation Lab, we could arrange a suitable time to meet with your team. We regularly meet with academic centers, businesses, governments, NGOs, and clinical providers to engage in health innovation and encourage you to contact us via hsinnovationlab [at]

If you are searching for paid positions at HSIL

We are currently recruiting a Staff Assistant III (Administrative Assistant). For more information and to apply, please visit: