Welcome, admitted MPH-GEN students!

Dear Admitted Student,

Congratulations on your admission to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health! We look forward to helping you in your decision-making process and hope you will join our community as a Harvard Chan School student.

In addition to information and resources posted on the School’s website and the my.harvard Portal, we have highlighted your next steps to making your decision on this website. Here you will find information about your program and other materials relevant to matriculation at Harvard Chan School.

Our virtual Admitted Student Events will provide an opportunity to meet with your program and current students to get a deeper look into what the School has to offer.  We truly hope you will be able to join us!

Lastly, this Admitted Student Website will be updated on a regular basis as new resources and materials become available to assist in your decision-making process. We realize that this site may not address all of your questions and concerns, so please do not hesitate to contact us at Admissions Office Hours or admissions@hsph.harvard.edu. Our goal is to provide the information needed for you to make the best decision. We sincerely hope that you will give every consideration to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

The Admissions Team