All articles related to "Conquering Epidemics":

In pursuit of an elusive foe

The bacteria that cause tuberculosis are experts at survival, allowing the disease to persist even when faced with the immune system and drugs. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health’s Sarah Fortune is on a mission to figure out…

Gene-edited mosquitoes might help fight malaria

Tinkering with mosquitoes’ genes to “drive” malaria-fighting traits through mosquito populations might be the next frontier in reducing the spread of malaria, according to two recent studies. In one study, scientists in London modified mosquitoes’ genome to make…

Monitoring the safety of ARV therapy during pregnancy

December 1, 2015 — Paige Williams, senior lecturer on biostatistics at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, studies the health and development of children whose HIV-infected mothers took antiretroviral (ARV) drugs during pregnancy. In a study published…